Sustainable Palm Oil

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At TEMPLESPA we are wholeheartedly committed to the ethical and responsible sourcing of our raw materials.

For some time, the production of palm oil and deforestation has been the subject of big debate and negative social and environmental concerns. Rightly so.

Almost everything we eat, put on our hair, lips and skin contains palm oil of some level. Perhaps only a tiny indecipherable trace amount is used and in most instances, we will never know or be able to even identify it. So we believe the best course of action is to ensure that any palm oil used in the production of TEMPLESPA Skincare is from a wholly sustainable RSPO source.


To explain this, the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) is a non-profit organisation which was established by stakeholders from the palm oil industry to minimise the negative impact of palm oil cultivation on the environment and communities in palm oil-producing regions.  

Our technical team have been busy working behind the scenes, and we can now confirm that we have secured an RSPO sustainable supply chain for all products containing palm or palm-derived ingredients. This certified sustainable production is slowly coming into stock for us we will soon be able to claim that our products will contain 100% sustainable palm.


In addition to this we offset 100% of our annual usage of all Palm Oil-derived ingredients via the Book and Claim method through the PalmTrace scheme run by the RSPO. This means that through the RSPO we give money back to support growers who are producing sustainable Palm Oil as a “thank-you” for your efforts to keep our planet in the best shape.