In many ways, this time of the year is like a mosaic....
The real beauty is the joining together of so many remarkable elements. Thousands of tiny moments, traditions, stories, rituals and experiences. Pieces of light, love and history fused together with magic, music and words. Everything joining together piece by piece to create something amazing.
The PEACE BY PIECE Christmas collection has been carefully curated in close collaboration with world-renowned mosaic artist Sonia King.
Sonia’s work captures the power of mosaic art to embark the viewer on a journey and engage the senses: visual, tactile and emotional. Her work is filled with the joy of discovery...
Just like opening a gift from Temple Spa

“Mosaic is hard. Art is harder.”
- Sonia King
A mosaic opens a creative dialogue between the artist and the viewer. A dialogue guided by the interplay of light and texture, the manipulation of scale, the discovery of the unknown potential of natural materials, the mastery of technique and the artist’s dedication to the process of picking up one tessera, placing it and then choosing the piece that goes next to it.

Sonia King’s work presents a uniquely personal expression of the power of mosaic art to challenge the viewer and engage the senses: visual, tactile and emotional.
The work is filled with the joy of discovery. Seemingly limitless blends of materials are woven together into complex compositions that are organic and familiar but stimulate the imagination.
If you would like to see more of Sonia's beautiful work, please visit
“I’m absolutely thrilled with the result of the collaboration with Temple Spa and all the products are simply gorgeous. But, these gifts are ones that might just be too good to share!...” - Sonia King