Welcome to 2021 dear friends of TEMPLESPA
I wonder how each of us felt when the clock struck midnight and 2020 became 2021?
We all lived our own version of last year, facing the challenges with highs and lows, learning to adapt and finding a way of bending and reacting to change and uncertainty.
As I reflect on 2020 I realise it has taught me many lessons, but what I am most struck by is the power of the human spirit and what can be achieved when we come together; to support, love and just keep going. Think about Sir Tom Moore, what an inspiration. I hope I am as positive and purposeful when I’m one hundred years young!
TEMPLESPA has been built on these values and I am so pleased our raison d’etre is to influence and inspire those around us with our beautiful products and experiences and for all we do life with to receive our affirming message to just live, breathe and love who you are.
A New Year never fails to inspire a refresh and, this one in particular where we may have understandably let some of our usual disciplines slide, serves as a timely reminder to bring balance back to the mind, body and soul. I’m just sharing some of my personal January tips for when you’re getting new focus.
My New Year (surprise surprise) starts with the thought of food; actually, let’s be honest, most days start with the thought of food! Cooking is my passion and it’s how I express my love for my nearest and dearest with nourishing dishes usually inspired by my travels. But I’m also aware of detoxing my larder and fridge from some of the tempting treats enjoyed during the festive season and re-creating dishes with a lighter twist.
Personally, in our household we don’t go quite as far as Veganuary, but for sure it’s pretty ‘clean’ laden with a mainly plant based diet, lowering the carbs, replacing wine with non-alcoholic alternatives and so on. By the way, have you discovered “Noughty” by Thompson & Scott? Amazing and can fool you into thinking it’s prosecco! So maybe think about that for a weekend special.
Milk Thistle is a great supplement to support the liver recover from festive overload, we should all be building immunity with Vitamin D and Zinc and a good catch-all multi-vitamin is our cocktail and the dreaded green juice makes us feel virtuous as a meal replacement along with a home-made bone & veggie broth. All little steps towards a healthier you.
Sounds obvious, but only 4 of your metal water bottles equals 2 litres, so put like that one in the morning, lunchtime, afternoon and evening does it and is essential for overall health.
A huge part of my life is being amongst nature and my trusted walking routes and favourite landscapes never fail to clear the mind and soothe the soul.

Walking and moving would be the most prescribed medicine in the world if it could be bottled, so get those 10,000 steps in, de-stress, breathe and let nature work its miracle. My personal trainer always reminds me “movement is medicine” as well as “motion is lotion”. I love that.
Feed your mind with an interesting or meditative podcast or plug in your favourite playlist for some mood boosting music while you walk.
Gratitude is a huge part of my every day and I always make time to take a step back and notice the little things. Small gestures, a warm smile, a joke, a beautiful piece of music. There is a lot of beauty out there if you stop and look and much to be thankful for.
Remember, where your attention goes, energy flows, be it positive or negative, notice where you put your mind energy and try to keep it on the bright side. Attract positivity to you and be the good news in your day.
Try noting down at least one thing a day to be thankful for throughout January and watch them add up, you’ll be amazed at how rich your life is.
Top of my list for January is thanks for, and to, our TEMPLESPA extended family for which you are a part. I am so grateful to be starting the New Year with you and send my love and sincere best wishes for a fruitful, blessed and healthy year.
Love Liz x