Navigating A New Year and Setting Yourself Up For Health And Happiness

And the happiest of New Year’s to you all, beloved friends of TEMPLESPA and a million thanks for your support during 2019.
New year. It’s a funny thing that a mere date and day change can potentially mean so much. The pressure to make resolutions (and even more pressure to keep them) the long stretch of January, the aftermath of December frenzy and over-indulgence (over-everything), can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unprepared for establishing new goals and embarking upon a life of greater order and simplicity.
Take a breath. My advice is absolutely to make goals but attempt them in bite size pieces and celebrate small achievements that erode the bigger task. I’ve stopped punishing myself with unrealistic expectations that I will lose a stone, get fit for a marathon, redecorate the whole house and so on, all in one’s just not happening.
I’ve found the best way to attack a new year is to create one master and many sub-lists of all the things I’d like to achieve during the whole year. It’s massive and I accept that not everything will be fully or even partly achieved. However, it is cathartic to see a whole new year as an opportunity to make positive changes that in a year’s time could make you stronger - physically, emotionally and spiritually.
When I was on a Girl Guide camp as a young girl, a wise woman wrote this poem into my autograph book and I always reflect on it each January;
‘Your life lies before you, like a sheet of driven snow. Be careful how you tread on it for every mark will show.’
Mindful Intentions
With that in mind, here are some of my more mindful intentions and that I give a kick start in January;
Be more... grateful, observant, thoughtful, kind (to myself as well as others) frugal, energetic, wise
Do less... moaning, procrastinating, watching TV, out of work mode screen watching (less dopamine!)
De clutter... naughty treats, wardrobes, my desk and drawers, anything that could be sold, gifted or taken to the charity shop
Detox... minimal alcohol, sugar, carbs and meat, masses of anything green, detox my skin and refresh my products; IN THE BEGINNING cleanser giving my skin the deepest cleanse ever, PURIFICATION face mask a vacuum cleaner for the pores, SUGAR BUFF Mediterranean body scrub to rid the skin of dead skin and toxins and GO FIGURE anti-cellulite & slimming gel, the mother-of-all cellulite banishers!
Value... family & friendships, my faith, my health, my beautiful husband. I always hold a TEMPLESPA class or two in January to catch up with friends, share the love and give our skin a deep clean and detox.
Having been away at Christmas I love coming back home to the buzz of the TEMPLESPA head office, and to go on those lovely wintery walks that clear your mind and feed your soul.
I close this diary entry by wishing you and your loved ones an amazing year ahead.
With love from
Liz x
P.S. Do please shop my recommended best facial cleansers, masks, exfoliators and skin detox products below.