Dear friends of Temple Spa,

May we just take a very brief moment together.

In these uncertain times, one thing is certain. Community is everything. People matter. YOU matter. Today and always. So, we trust you and your loved ones are well and remain well.

As the world finds its footing in these ever-changing times, at Temple Spa, we remain committed to the well-being of our employees, customers, clients and our community.

We believe it’s critical to do our part to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19. So, we’d like to share with you some of the things we are doing to protect everyone in our Temple Spa family.

We are diligently following guidance and best practices from our Government, NHS and UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office amongst others, staying tuned to the news but not letting it dampen our spirits.

Our gleaming and shiny warehouse is running two defined shifts, again to half any potential risks. We’re working tirelessly to make sure that the products you love are available when you want them, delivered in the safest way possible to you.

Our customer relationship team is available, having set up offices in their homes, to serve you and answer any questions you may have plus work with you on the best delivery options, they’re also happy to chat, especially if you feel lonely.

We stand ready to serve and hope that our website and social channels can be a source of support, inspiration, perhaps some amusement at times and a solution source for you – because sometimes we all need a break from the news don’t we? The heartland of our brand is wellness and we will have lots of tips, ideas and love to share.

In the meantime, hold your loved ones close, ask for help if you need it yourself. Let’s all think about others less fortunate…the vulnerable, the elderly, the homeless, the needy, those alone and take a moment to ask yourself what you can do to help protect their wellbeing from afar. We are and will be stronger together.

As a demonstration of the caring nature of the Temple Spa business, our staff and consultants In the past five years we have supported homeless charities with donations in excess of £250,000 and a further £150,000 to Mind and they will also continue to be our focus now and in the future. A buoyant business and dedicated people allow us to do that and your love of what we offer from Temple Spa equally allow us to continue this. THANK YOU.

Thank you for being a part of the Temple Spa family and we pray for your health and future wellbeing.

With love
Mark & Liz Warom – founders and owners Temple Spa